Ethics: Doing The Right Thing Isn't Always Popular
Copyright © Success Network Group
In order to live by your own ethical standards, you must first define and know what they are! Life today moves faster than ever.
Getting ahead, making lots of money, becoming successful and winning often is associated with "No Matter What!"
But is this ethical? Ethics are ignored and pushed aside all too often both on a professional and personal level.
Ethical behavior and standards need to be revisited by courageous leaders who are willing to take on unpopular issues. We can all make a difference by questioning things that don't seem ethical to us. We must let our views on the subject at hand be known!
Ethics need to be kept at the highest priority. This will keep our minds open to changes that might just be very important.
You must allow your mind to remain open. A closed mind accepts the "status quo" and can't see the reasons for supporting political and social concerns that need to be addressed. Closed minds support the old adage that "That's the way it's always been.
"Taking the "high road" requires courage and "doing the right thing" is not always popular! People who put their lives on the line to bring about the necessary changes on issues are people who put ethics first on their list of priorities.
Now, a lot of times people in political leadership positions or who are popular often obtain those positions in an unethical manner. Once they obtain their desired position, it is likely that their ethical conduct will continue in order to retain that position.
Some of them feel that they are "above the law", and it is our responsibility to insist that the people who hold positions of power function ethically. Laws are created for everyone and should be enforced for everyone equally; there are no exceptions!
America was founded on the principals of equal rights and freedom for all people. The reason America has grown is because of the open minds willing to accept new ideas and positive changes.
This means living by our defined values (ethics). Our shared ethical values keep us free and allow us to grow and stay strong. We can make a difference in conduct by setting a good example with high ethics.
So you are asking: "What can I do?" Here are a couple of suggestions:
1] If you are involved with situation, or see a situation, where ethics are being ignored or compromised, speak up! Make your objections known! Involve other people in the discussion when it is appropriate or required.
2] Set an example for others. Speak up, write letters, and do whatever you can to change the unethical behavior and bring it to the attention of other parties involved in the situation. Ask other
people to join you in your objections.
A group is stronger and has more influence that an individual standing alone. That doesn't mean that if nobody joins you in your objections you should just forget about it. You still need to voice your opinion and objections until somebody listens!
3] Make it one of your priorities, or even your mission to make a difference in areas where you believe ethical standards need to be raised. Take a job or join a political campaign, whatever you need to do to change the situation.
Keeping ethical conduct as a priority will assure that we all have a "future so bright we'll need to wear shades." We need to encourage and develop leaders in all aspects of our lives who make ethical behavior and standards the top priority in everything they do.
As Always ... Make it a GREAT day!