Friday, March 23, 2007

What Makes You A Leader? Part 4

Copyright © Success Network Group

  • What is a leader?

  • How do you become one?

  • Can YOU really make a difference?

  • How would you do that?

  • This series of articles are based on just one of many personal development courses in our Learning Center and highlights the main points of the course. The course itself was based on Sheila Murray Bethel's book titled "Making a Difference, 12 Qualities That Make You a Leader". The book can be found in paperback at for as little as $0.01 plus shipping (used).

    You need to be a "Big Thinker" to become a successful leader. Creative thinkers have an open mind to all thoughts from every source and don't pre-judge or dismiss ideas without thinking them through thoroughly. We are talking about having a VISION.

    Vision starts with imagination, but in its highest form, it exceeds the bounadries of imagination. Leaders with vision can literally change the world! The belief in the vision comes form faith in themselves and others. Most people don't have enough faith in themselves and therefore do not make good leaders. But we don't want everyone to try and become a leader. If that happened ... who would they lead?

    You're faith in other people can make a world of difference. It can transform and direct how they perform, because your faith in them acts as a medium to strengthen their courage.

    Ideally, followers will be able to distinguish the difference between a leader who is acting on their vision and one who is reacting to an event or situation. Somebody who is acting on their vision can communicate their goals to other people. conversely, a leader who is reacting is simply somebody who is taking advantage of their position, their followers and their situation.

    Leaders with vision grasp the concept and value of multiple strategies. Be sure to consider your strategies.

    Check your assumptions and expectations periodically. False assumptions will cause you to be stuck and unable to access your creativity. Your imagination will stop, and if your assumptions are wrong; they can stop your efforts dead in their tracks!

    Develop and define your personal philosophy. Your philosophy of life is larger than any mission statement. It will strengthen you and help you to recognize outside pressures that might harm your mission.

    Challenge tradition and existing wisdom. You don't have to make radical changes, however you should always question the prevailing thoughts and have the fortitude to discover how to improve on "things as they are". Just because something "Has always been done that way" doesn't mean it's the best way to accomplish the task. It also doesn't mean that the process shouldn't be changed.

    Nuture curiosity. Look at what's going on in the world around you. Seek new approaches to existing problems. Learn to think outside the box!

    Look for simplicity. It's easy for thing to get too complicated in short order. Effective leaders are aware of the importance of keeping things clean and simple. If that task is large and complicated it may help to break it down into manageable segments.

    Look for Part 5 to be posted tomorrow!

    As Always ... Make it a GREAT day!

    About the Author:

    Lou and Robin Bonaventura have been Professional
    Network Marketers for the past 4 years. They attribute
    much of their success to personal development and
    consistent learning. Visit their Learning Center
    for more insight into how personal development can
    benefit you.

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